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May, 2014 Newsletter


Genealogy: I also caught up on some genealogy that was requested by the health & education departments (Fran Brown & Gina Patrick) and I was able to complete the draft of the family tree and genealogy, the purpose of the genealogy was to allow the children that are in foster care learn and know who they are by knowing their family tree. And I am continuing to do genealogy using the PG diocese genealogy of the Carrier and Sekani people. These books only go to mid-1955 so I am updating the family trees by asking elders and other members on the members that have been born since mid-1955. 
Digitization:  Ronnie Alec came in with some tapes that included potlatches and other activities and I was able to number and document them, so these tapes are ready to be digitized, and Roger Patrick and I will be going to University of British Columbia in Vancouver to take up Digitization training, and this training is set for the second week of May, and that will allow us to get equipment so that we can do our own digitizing.
Treaty is an ongoing process and we are always looking for ways to improve our future, so we are planning to work with the youth, we will be holding a youth forum in June, and we are sending out more newsletters and activity books to keep you the people of the Lake Babine Nation updated as much as possible. And please feel free to drop into the office and we will gladly answer all your questions. And that is all I have for this report. Thank you for your time:
        Marvin Williams- Indigenous Planning Facilitator- LBN Treaty

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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Administrative Assistant

Lake Babine Nation requires an Administrative Assistant for the Fisheries Department. The Administrative Assistant will
be responsible for the wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Fisheries Director.

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