July Newsletter
Match the Names with the Hereditary Name
Please take note that we will be doing different names every month
The first person to call in the right answer will receive a prize. We will start taking answers July 7th, 2014
1. Richard Williams
2. Alex Michell
3. Mary Love Michell
4. Esther MacDonald
5. Frank Patrick
6. Betty Patrick
7. Lena Williams
8. Ronnie Alec
9. Mary Ann Perry
10. Barb Williams
A) Cis Tilh Yeeh
B) Tl’oghee
C) Niwh Syalh
D) UhDakhGwits
E) ‘UhDakhJet
F) Bee De Yeet Nen
G) Canun’en
H) Niwh Mas Ts’ikh
I) Likh ‘Awlh
J) Dinee Ts’o Gees