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July Newsletter

Cindy Lowley-Patrick, Interim Manager

In June we also had our final Smithers- Treaty Related Measures (TRM) meeting and it was a success. We have Vancouver and Smithers completed with the TRM meetings and in July we will work towards completing Prince George and setting dates for Woyenne. This work is going great and in the next weeks to come we will be able to share a midterm- report.

We have 2 projects beginning with the University of Northern BC and one is a field study on IR #5 - Smoke House Island in August and the other is completing the digitizing and tape identification of the treaty tapes. Progress is being made with UNBC as Chief Wilf Adam will be signing the Memorandum of Understanding on July 2, 2014 at the UNBC. This is very significant as it will open more doors for our partnership and how the UNBC can continue to offer supports to the treaty program. This is a wonderful thing for LBNT.

In July there will be a MTWG meeting as well as more work on the research for Specific Claim Cases. Also in July is a visit to the Nisga`a Nation which will serve many purposes such as governance and treaty structure, program and services delivery under a treaty, culture and tradition within a treaty and dialogue among LBN members, staff and leadership. So much to gain from this visit.

We have 2 summer students join us for 8 weeks and their tasks include assisting the reseachers as well myself. They will be a nice addition to the treaty staff.

There is much work being done and each day brings additional work as well as requests for information for which we prepare to deliver. The treaty program has many smaller programs and I encourage you to come in and ask about the programs, ask about our services and the happenings in the treaty. We are open 5 days a week and we welcome visitors.

With that, I would like to wish you all the best for the month of July- be safe.

Written and submitted by Cindy Lowley– Patrick

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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Administrative Assistant

Lake Babine Nation requires an Administrative Assistant for the Fisheries Department. The Administrative Assistant will
be responsible for the wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Fisheries Director.

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