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Topley Landing Claim

The Topley Landing claim deals with the area across the Fulton River from the current Tachet Reserve.  The area that is now Topley Landing was originally supposed to be part of the reserve according to the McKenna McBride Commissionin 1915.  At the time, the federal government did not take the proper steps to make sure that the interests of LBN were protected.  Eventually LBN people were forcibly removed to the reserve that was created across the river.

This claim has been through Specific Claims with Canada and only a very small piece of land was offered.  Because LBN did not see this offer as fair given how much land and revenue was lost, they opted to take this claim to the Specific Claims Tribunal for a final ruling.  The claim has being submitted to the Specific Claims Tribunal now.   To view the submission form for the tribunal click here.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Administrative Assistant

Lake Babine Nation requires an Administrative Assistant for the Fisheries Department. The Administrative Assistant will
be responsible for the wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Fisheries Director.

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